Sorry to leave you Sophie this early,but I got a lot of work to get done here.
Sam's house...
Sammy friend!
Hi Miss Amy. ^^;
You don't use "Miss" it makesss me old.
Same here I hate it when people call me "Miss".
Amy are you...drunk?
I'm not drunk I just having shots of fun!?
You sound like your questioning yourself.
Are you getting drunk off your ass because your little girl isn't around anymore to look after you!?
No wayssss I can look after meh self...
Do you really?
Tis yeah I doooo...
You over there! There's nothing to see here so keep walking!
Amy...face the facts. You miss your daughter and your not helping this problem by drinking it away.
I want Sammy here!
Okay first off! Don't drink your feelings away! Second off write her a letter!
Yeah your right~! I gonna rest before I do any thiiiing!
Hm....letter? That word...
Flashback! ^O^ (I love flashbacks)
He really is trying to say sorry. He even tried writing you a letter even though he had no idea where you live.
Flashback Over. >:O
....he's probably the one I'm going to have a lot of trouble with. Him and Sam were really close.
-sigh- I better get back to Sophie's house before she flips out.
Hey Sophie!
What's wrong? Don't tell me you've gone back into depression?!
No it's...
Sophie: ....he's in the hospital.