Hey Sam!
What's wrong?
I miss Autumn. Sophie says she saw her not to long ago.
I'm sure she's fine. She probably just moved away.
You need to think a little bit more! If Autumn was moving she would have told everyone,not just disappear for a year & come back out of the blue for a visit!
Geez Sam I'm sorry,I just miss her a lot too. I'm just...you know.
Now we're late to class!
It's not my fault!
But yeah it was fun hanging out with Autumn for a little while.
That's great you got to see her!
Did she give you her new address?
No. She had to go, she said someone was waiting for her.
Like I would know.
Sophie I know you better than that.
Alright you got me. She was walking down the street when this guy appeared. He had black hair & they seemed realllllllly familiar with eachother. I guess that was the person who was waiting for her.
He looked kinda weird though! He was carrying a sword, he wore a robe. He looked like a samuri or something.
Who cares Autumn can hang out with whoever she wants.
Your just jealous because it was a guy.
Whatever let's go.
Hey wait for me!!!
Sophie and her stupid ways...
I'm not...jealous....
Ugh why not,but I don't even know her address.
At least try...
30 min. later...