..I don't think anyone would be here at this time.
Here it is..
I'm glad I got it... ..glad..?
Really now? I'm glad..? I haven't been like this in a while.
..I guess I found another thing that's important to me.
?: Emi?! Emi: !
Emi! So it was you!
What are you doing here!!!??? Shouldn't you be at school!? You're stupid enough as it is with going to school, I'd hate to see how you are without an education.
I got dismissed early, because we've been looking for you.
You should stop sneaking off like you do! We're your family now and we worry about you.
So, would just stop acting like you're out in this world all alone. You have us. My Mom, Ume, and me. We all like you and want you to be here with us.
E-Eh? How could you say something... I-
I-I know you're there, I want you to be there. I want you to be here, with me. I want a family. I want to keep Ume safe, I don't want to worry your Mother and I...
I hate you.
Woah! You okay Emi? You just-
Smiled? Yeah, I can't stop now. The switch has been flipped.
It was just that entire speech you gave and what I said in response, I just can't help it anymore.
Well, stop, it's kinda creepy..
That's not what you say to a girl when she's smiling!
Okay, fine then. It was..cute.
..I don't like that response either.
Anyway, wanna tell me what you did while you were gone?
Eh, well you see...