『Lovely Yet Difficult Times(ep.33)』

I really have to stop hurting myself...

Where'd that rabbit go?

I'm so late! I'm late! I'm late!

There she goes!

Not long after...

Autumn: Where'd she go?

Where'd who go?

Autumn: Ah!

Hello! I'm Twidle-Dumb!

And I'm Twidle-Dee....

Autumn: Um, have you seen a white rabbit?

No,but I see a pink one right in front of me! xD



Autumn: O.O

Autumn: I'm just gonna go now...

20 minutes later...

Those guys weren't any help at all...

At least I'm with some pretty flowers instead.

-cough cough- What the heck...

What the hell did you do that for?!

The question here is who are you?

My nam eis Autumn Takahashi.

Your such a liar Alice.

Liar!? What? And where did you get Alice from?!

How irratating...

I'll ask you sometime again. If your not dead by then.

Why would I be dead?!


-cough cough- Damn you...

I gotta get outta here!

Oh great stuck in this stupid forest land again.

Still no sound of the white rabbit.

Looking for a white rabbit are you?

What the?! Nathan?

To correct you it's Chesire, Chesire Cat. ^o^

A cat? Named Chesire?

You dare doubt me.

Anyway, so your looking for the white rabbit, yes?

Yes! You wouldn't happen to know where she is would you?

What do you think I am a white rabbit tracker?!

But lucky you I think I know someone who might know where she is.

That would be great who are they!?

The Mad Hatter and the Hare!

What are you pouting about?

You think I want to talk to somebody's who mad?!

Only if you want to find the white rabbit. ^^


Fine! Where does this, "Mad Hatter" live?

Yeah! Adventure!

Just follow me and my pink trail.

Does everyone here have a floating smoke ball?

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公開日 2013/01/12 09:54 再生回数 9


Autumn, (Alice) is transported into a different and has to find her way home. Autumn meets the catapillar and Chesire Cat.

