『Lovely Yet Difficult Times(Episode 28)』

Sam hurry or you'll miss your plane!

You just want me to hurry up and leave so you can go party all you want.

Not true....

-sigh- Same as always...

....I should probably tell them....

Sam come oooonnnnnnn~!

I'm coming.


-answers phone- Hello?

Oh! Hey Sam, is something wrong?

Well you don't really call unless it's an emergency.

What it is an emergency!?

So glad to finally be out of the house and hang out here for awhile.

Sucks Chiuko couldn't come with me, then again he needs his rest he's been having some breathing problems lately since we came back from here the last time.


Sophie-san! What are you running so fast for?


It's terrible Sam she's...

I'm going to miss you...

I'm going to miss you too Mom.

Of course you will everyone who meets me always misses me when I'm not near them.

I knew you were going to say something to ruin the moment.

Be good while I'm gone! Respect Chuck and listen to what he says.

How dare you talk to your MOther like that? Get out of here go on that plane and grow up some more!

I love you too Mom.

They grow up too fast...

I still got a while might as well eat bef-



How'd you find me?

Sophie called me. I was passing by the airport at this time so I quickly turned my car around and ran in here as fast as I could.

Why...didn't you tell anyone? Sophie sounded as if she was about to have a heartattack so I guess you told her not long after she called and told me.

So I doubt anyone else knows...

I didn't want you guys to know. Is that a problem...

For you it's probably not,but do you know how many people you might have hurt? Do you even care?

Why should I!? Autumn didn't have any problem leaving us without telling us! She just disappeared without a word!

First of all it was summer she probably had no idea what was going on and she probably didn't have enough money to pay for that apartment. She lived alone she had to pay her own bills.

Second of all she came back after a year, how long will you be gone and will you even come back? At least she visits.

Third of all this isn't about Autumn this is about you, Sam.

I can't hear you...

After all this...your still your heartless charater...you know Sam I was begining to like you...alot,but now...

I don't even think of you as a friend. You shun me, you don't want to listen to what I have to say....Goodbye Samantha.

Flight 205 is ready for passengers to board.

That's me.


The plane!


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公開日 2012/11/08 08:11 再生回数 12

