Daughter please take a seat.
Anne! Come here...
I'm....here sir.
Why...why would you do....
Such a terrible thing to my daughter! Why Anne! Why!!!!
Oh sir!
Sir I think you need to take a rest.
...Hello, Chiuko.
How could you Anne especally since you knew what would happen to you.
But Chiuko...I....
I love her.
It's nice to see you one last time.
This...is all my fault isn't it.
No Autumn! It's not....
I'm going to miss calling you that, hearing your voice, & seeing you everyday...
But before I go I should show you my true self...
Y-your...A GUY!!!!!!
Yes, I'm afraid so...
But why?
You mean you don't remember?!
When you were younger, you were really creative. You still are now but you were so fond of girl names you named me Anne.
And since you named me Anne you wanted me to be a girl.
So I transformed for you and became Anne also known as Cotton.
What's so funny?
You duid all that just for me...
Your to sweet!
Thanks Autumn...
You...changed back.
I still have to go Autumn.
No! Don't go...
Autumn I...I want you to find someone else who can take really good care of you.
But...but Cotton!
Don't worry...I just want you to always remember me.
At least...tell me your real real name.
Autumn you must go! You can't come with me! *pushes Autumn out of the way*
Autumn: No! Cotton!
I'll miss you Princess Suz...
And...and my real name is...
Autumn: No don't go! Leon...Leon! LEOOOOOOOOOON!