I'm off to meet Kendall at the super cosplay store, cosplay store, I'm off to meet Kendall and there's fun all around!
I wonder what Kendall's gonna get there?
Oh well guess I'll just have to find out!
I could hear you from two blocks away tone it down before people get upset.
Sorry Kendall.
It's okay...
Kendall why are you blushing?
It's nothing much. You just always say sorry when your loud and it's very cute.
Thanks Kendall.
Don't take it as a compliment, I just said that so you wouldn't whine about not being cute.
Don't become mean!
Comeon we got to get there before they close.
No they can't close! Let's go!
That girl sometimes...
We got so much stuff!
Yes, we did.
It's getting dark early.
What are you talking about it's going on 7:30.
We got school tomorrow! My Mom's gonna kill me!
Why not call her and ask if you can stay at my place?
That's not bad idea I'll be back there's a payphone back that way.
I swear....
Hey! Kendall is that you?!
Nathan I should have know. Your annoying voice still echos in my ear drum.
Don't be mean.
Anyway, have you seen Peyton? We had a date tonight, but she didn't show.
Y-you and Peyton had a date tonight?
Yeha and it's not like Peyotn t-
Peyton: Kendall my Mom said yes!
Peyton: N-Nathan! What are you doing here?
You....don't remember?
Peyton I'll meet you back at my place.
did we have something-
Oh...our date.
Oh our date is that all you can say?!
Nathan i didn't mean to-
No, Peyton I've had enough of you. Your childish, rude, and you whine when things don't go your way.
This...realationship is over.
No! Nathan!