Daenjur Mat Yo fags I saw a trailer for that Avengers movie and it looks pretty rad
so how does some sort of group movie sesh in the city sound when it comes out?
Jay Yilmaz WITH JAY!
Damien McGrath Sounds pretty cool.
Crystal Mackey 8) ok. i like friends.
Daenjur Mat Lol fuck off jay
Also I'm assuming not everyone will be able to attend but this would be a neat opportunity to chill with people I haven't met before!
Kojio Pillowdrake I look at that list and I know hardly anyone. Bring it.
Stephenson Billings Why are you always topless in your pics, Matt?
Jay Yilmaz I know you're a faggot and all, but is it BYO cinema fuck buddy?
Daenjur Mat Stephenson, it's to exert my alpha male manliness onto other people to
keep them on the true path of Christ.
Rohan Eldridge I wanna go too! :3
Ohmagurr I'machristmaspresent i would be up for that
Daenjur Mat Rohan, Maaaaybe. As long as you promise not to do shit that'll freak these dudes out.
Like showing up in suit.
Rohan Eldridge Probably me! But I wouldn't show up in suit to a movie, that'd be retarded :P
Unless there's some really good reason to >.>
Kojio Pillowdrake inb4 I get stuck planning all of this stuff for Mat.
Daenjur Mat I don't think there's any possible reason. We've got a good 15 days to plan this out, it shouldn't wind up too chaotic
Ohmagurr I'machristmaspresent kojio come to the movie in a business suit
Kojio Pillowdrake Ohmagurr get me a business suit and I will.
Kojio Pillowdrake Other than being black (RACIST!), scaled and having horns..
That is so me.
Ohmagurr I'machristmaspresent i dont know your measurements! and i'd come in a suit but billy thought it'd make a good nest and so it's covered in cat hair
Kojio Pillowdrake I don't even have one. The best I've got is a white dress shirt, a tie and jeans.
Assuming I still have that shirt. And can find my jeans. ...and the tie.
Thomas Hill Business suits eh?
Daenjur Mat making an event because aaaa
Jared Curry I like the sound of this and am really excited, I'll need a date soon to get off work.
Ash Tree Ferret could possibly be very excited about this. When, would you say?
Pÿrõ Čhärmåñdęr I can't go. I'm overseas until April 30th. :C
Derpy Havoc Birfday sute
Ohmagurr I'machristmaspresent So were we thinking in the city or out closer to where you live?
Benjamin Grant Selby sounds yum but i can only go on a wed or tues
Daenjur Mat probs in the city because it's easier for the majority
Thomas Hill City is fun
Derpy Havoc Faaaaaaaaaakkkkkk
Pÿrõ Čhärmåñdęr :C
Derpy Havoc It sounds like a good idea and all, but ive been feeling really anti-social lately. :<
Kitten wants to go though so i probably will. :l
Daenjur Mat you better! And you're not allowed to hide behind Cris the entire time either
Thomas Hill and vice versa to cris