『Aoi Kankaku! Ep 4』

Hmm Where's Aoi-Kun?

Chisa what are you doing here?

Chisa who?? I'm Mie, Yoii Mie!

(Thinks: Yoii Mie? Where have i heard that before?)

Do you know who Kazehaya Aoi is?

Yes why?

I'm his sister! Where is he?

Back to the ball~

I found a costume! wait we're matching???

Copy catter!

No i'm not!

Everyone please be quiet!

Hi Arisa! I'm going to start singing so please go down the stairs!

Ok... Good luck!

So umm cue the music......

(Takes a deep breath)

Lala~ Lalala~ La~ Laa~ You shout it loud, but i can't hear a word you say~

I'm talking loud not saying much~

For those who don't know what's happening, Chisa and Yurrina are sing Titanium by David Guetta

I'm criticized, but all your bullets ricochet

You shoot me down, but I get up

Chisa and Yurrina sing good! I must have them get into Laguardia!

Not really...... Aoi-Nii San! Where's my cake?

Oh right i forgot! Sorry wait a minute

I finally arrived!

Ah Chisa-Chan! Your singing is beautiful!

Who are you? And i'm not Chisa, I'm Mie!!!

Liar clearly you are... Wait... Isnt Chisa singing?

Woah what beautiful singing!

Todou-Senpai! Whose this girl?

How would i know? Isn't that Chisa?

Whose Chisa? i'm Mie

Woah are you like her twin sister or something?

I am TI-TA-NIUM, You shoot me down, but i wont fall, I am TI-TA-NIUM!

(Thinks i want to sing along too)

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose fire away, fire away

And so the song ends and Chisa is very surprised!

You are Chisa? Why do you look like me?

No you look like me?

To be continued~

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公開日 2012/10/26 08:35 再生回数 12

