『Super Saiyans』

So, as you can see today's topis i about super saiyans

Yes. Super Saiyans From Dragonball Why?

I watched Dragon ball when i was younger yo

Yeah, it's really popular in the Gaijin world....So popular to the extent that it's not even funny anymore

Yeah, they like to post so much things about super saiyans that it's a bit boring

But actually where do they come from?

Somewhere in the galaxy lol

Yes, but again, it's fictional. Oh wait, actually there's someone in the world who actually thinks super saiyans exist.

It was hilarious. You can look it up on google. He's everywhere because he thinks he is a super saiyan

But that boy has an amazing dream. No one has ever done something like that before!

I admire his honesty and ambitions. One day I'd like to be a super saiyan too.

No wait, you can't be serious.... Being a super saiyan is more than just believing,

It's actually trying to prove whether you got the balls to do it or not.

Certainly you mean anyone can be a saiyan if they have the balls?

Agh, just forget what I just said. I can't be bothered to talk to this air headed fox lady...

But I-

Oh hoh, good timing Meelz. What do you have to say about Saiy- Oh wait, i forgot. Saiyans aren't real.


Actually if there is really saiyans. this world will be gone. So its a good thing if there isn't a saiyan around, right?

Just saiyan!

Oh for the love of God. And no one believes in demonic butlers...

I'd like to show these "saiyans" you speak of a thing or two about power. If you know what i mean!

Eh, since when did you come here?

Actually i don't really know

Oh okay.

So basically that's all there is I can talk about super saiyans. Really, I don't know much about them. Bleh

If they are real, i hope i can be one of them and turn into a saiyan myself!


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公開日 2013/02/23 02:18 再生回数 4

