『『MLP Season End Part 2』』

Emil Jehan Shamsuddin okay real talk that was pretty bad lol

You, Brylian Petersen, James Sørensen and 2 others like this.

Hariz Danial im not a twily fan

Hariz Danial not giving a single fuck

Cameron GreenPants Batkin Really? I loved it. Except for the last song (before the reprise at the end) I thought the whole ep was brilliant

Jack Little last line of the season: "EVERTHING'S GONNA BE FINE"

real subtle

Nathan Eden And then everything was lovely, once again

Ben Gray at the end I was sitting there like, 'shut the fuck up twi'

Ben Anderson I loved it. They could have seriously ended the entire series there though. Glad they're not.

I'm just interested to see what they do from here on.

Jack Little So this means new opening credits next season, right?

Unless they just go back and add wings to Twilight in the original ones.

Emil Jehan Shamsuddin nah if they ended the series there it would've been a fucking dick move

i have more to say about this episode, i'll do a proper review in a bit

Grischa Chitty SPOILER WARNING: Maybe the show moves from ponyville to twilights new empire?

Ben Gray the night wouldn't be complete without a meelz review

Jack Little All the new Twilicorn toy lines seem to have her located in the Crystal Kingdom,

so maybe she and Cadence will rule it together?

Jackson Nicholls How was the episode bad? Elaborate.

MLP Season 3 finale review, I suppose?

Guys, come the fuck on. I’m the biggest Twilight Sparkle fanboy here. You all saw it, I defend that bitch to the end.

What I’m not gonna do, however, is use her as an excuse to allow the show to be shit at any given point.

I totally get there are people coming out of this with tears and are saying that this is the greatest thing ever.

You just ask my brother, throughout the entire thing I was just fucking dumbfounded,

and I was in the exact same mode as I would be watching a movie like The Room or Vampire’s Kiss.

I could take nothing seriously and nothing felt canon, it’s as if they hired a bunch of rabid Bronies to write the story.

I think that’s it right there. The plot felt like it was written by bad fic writers.

I suppose the initial premise is interesting enough, random cutie mark switches, no big deal.


Let’s just randomly drop out of nowhere that Twilight spontaneously got a spell sent from Celestia that changes everyone’s cutie marks.

Then suddenly rush to a song where everyone gets changed back to normal,

and through these shenanigans Twilight completes the spell she was sent(which wasn’t even signified that she was obliged to do??),

and because of this and all her leadership bullshit throughout the entire episode she turns into the alicorn,

and the last 5 minutes is spent yucking it up with a happily-ever-after ending.

I mean, Christ… talk about fucking rushed. If this was a two-part episode, it *could’ve* worked better??

If anything it looked like a dumb excuse to pump out a huge influx of songs to compensate for the small amount of music we’ve gotten this

season, and suddenly screw with the universe.

Like, it just felt like the strung a bunch of random fanfic plots together and condensed it into a 22 minute episode.

I’m also slightly disappointed at the production value.

ike, in comparison to something like Season 2’s finale, it was pretty fucking weak. Some of the animations looked pretty off,

and I even spotted some stock photos straight from Hasbro’s marketing department stuck here and there.

he music? Tbh, I fucking love Daniel Ingram as much as the next guy,

but I thought the music in this episode didn’t quite cut it in comparison to stuff like Winter Wrap Up or Smile Smile Smile.

Keyword: rushed. The whole thing felt rushed. Rushed and condensed,

like they were pressured with Season 2’s acclaim to come up with something bigger.

And don’t give me that “budget was too small” crap either,

there’s a lot you can do with a small budget so long as you have the imagination and creativity.

I really hate doing this, and any of you that know me well enough would know that I really fucking do.

I tried so fucking hard to like this episode, but I just couldn’t. So much potential gone down the drain.

Twilight’s princess coronation! Cutie marks switched! 6 songs crammed into one episode!

On paper that sounds fucking brilliant, in practice it really just fell absolutely flat for me.

The plot was rushed, disjointed, and overall there was just very little reason for me to care.

It just felt like “here’s your pony finale, now get out of my kitchen”. It’s with legitimate remorse that I give this episode…


Kieran Wyatt that moment when twilight realises shes immortal.

outlives all her friends and everyone she loves.

GG Hasbro.

Jackson Nicholls I really enjoyed it. There was some really well done, cute animation;

it had a nice little friendship message; and I thought the all songs were good, I like music numbers.

Sure, it wasn't as good as the season 2 final, but it was still good. I give it a, I don't know, 7.5

Jack Little 1000 years pass.

Twilight is living deep in the Everfree Forest, just her and Spike, now a full grown dragon.

She's tried moving back to Ponyville but the memories of her friends are just too strong.

After their passing she tried meeting new ponies.

But her princesshood scared them and she was treated differently.

Celestia and Luna are gone now, having chosen to pass away knowing Twilight was there to take over.

Her brother is gone too, Cadance disappeared soon after his death. All alone.

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公開日 2013/02/17 02:10 再生回数 13


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