
Kerrie Zaz Fulker shared Our Time's photo.

Duke Clark: egalitarian*

Ryan Mawson: This is the definition of an egalitarian, not a feminist.

A new word for it works, I know people are afraid or refuse to use the word feminism.

And I'm ok with this, I just hate to think cos of a few bad female apples that people will think so badly of the movement.

Of feminism didn't happen, we wouldn't be where we are now with equality.

Those women of the past deserve more respect for all the hard work they did.

It isn't a new word. It removes gender all together, and brings people together for the right reasons.

Regardless of what feminism did, it's not the same thing. It's for specific problems.

Egalitarianism (from French égal, meaning "equal")—or, rarely, equalitarianism or equalism

—is a trend of thought that favors equality for all people.' - Wikipedia

Benjamin Leavy: go do something constructive off the internet

Yeah, the movement started as the same thing.

Adam Llewellyn-Jones: Feminism just makes it sound one sex sided. Im all for equal rights for everyone.

The word egalitarian feels like a better fit for all round equal rights not just for females.

Exactly. A gender neutral movement needs a gender neutral name

I do have to wonder who has been changing the definitions of everything though....

Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, cultural

and social rights for women.[1][2] This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.

A feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women.' - Wikipedia

Which is why I'm happy to change it, as long as people don't shit on everything feminism has already done ya know?

They put up with a lot of crap to get us where we are.

Its "them" Duke Clark

Who is 'them'?

People dont shit on what its already done, they're annoyed at what it's shouting now

Yeah, we'll when it started there where not a whole lot of men willing to help.

So yeah. We are now in a time where men are feeling the sting of sexism too.

We're in a time where feminism turned into the very thing it was made to stop, more like

that's the problem

The whole "us vs them" mentality is a problem in the first place, it shouldn't even be about something like that anyway.

The problem is salty people that have been hurt by someone in the past, and join so they can hate on the other side.

People are quite ready and prepared to start hatred than to actually fight for equality.

Saying that, there are also people that simply want to poison what is already there.

Be it hateful people, to trolls from the other side.

More to the point, where the hell was the fight for this woman's freedom? Why is the western world hearing about it now, after the fact?

Because we have no legal power over another country, I assume

Right or wrong there was probably nothing we could have done even if we knew in time

We have bullshit stuff like that happening here too.

Cassius Van Wees: Here's my spin on the story, If a man Killed another man if he was going to rape him.

would this even be an article?

No. True equality is when both feminism and Masculism Don't exist.

Matt Buddy Francis: It seems a shame that you would rather argue semantics than be productive.

I can safely say that I was one of the people who fought for equality and use of words like "equality" and "egalitarian"

feel free to look back through my post history and you'll see me doing it, Kerrie and I have even debated it.

Though after thinking it through and talking with a lot of different people about it I feel now more than ever that i am a Feminist,

it's a shame you think that is a dirty word, or a word you yourself can't be associated with.

As men it is our responsibility to be feminists. I don't particularly identify wit the term myself,

nor do I identify with the anti MRA movement or "militant feminism".

What i do identify with is that if someone were to "holla" at my girlfriend,

or to make her feel uncomfortable, to hurt her, to attack her or make her feel threatened, I'd see red.

But why is she special? She is after all, a woman, one of many.

So my point is, cast your lens outward, think about how these things would hurt your loved ones and how that makes you feel.

As a man you need to be a feminist because there exists an inequality.

None of us here said 'Feminist' is a dirty word....

You brushed it off quickly enough...

Matt you missed the point entirely


men arguing about feminism!

Seth Bailey: As people, it is our responsibility to ensure all people are treated equally in every situation.

Feminism, Egalitarian, whatever you want to call it, that is the goal here.

Arguing about semantics is a waste of time and effort that could be better used elsewhere.

Andrew Leitch: Duke - there was a fight for that woman's freedom. I think most of us just missed it.

On the contrary, you did. I said " it's a shame you think that is a dirty word, or a word you yourself can't be associated with.

" You focused on one part of my sentence and ignored the latter half, which is a real shame.

Anyway seeing as my Appeal to reason was met with an ad hominem response that didn't really address the crux of what i said I think

we can all pretty safely assume you have nothing meaningful to contribute.

Sorry but there is no argument here Cassius Van Wees

I cant wait till like 50 years from now we look back and laugh at how woman weren't equal.

like we do now, with how doctors used to recommend cigarettes and how we used to treat certain illnesses.

I took the rest in. I just don't see where we were bashing on the word is all.

I do agree with your statement about your girlfriend. My girlfriend is 4 foot nothing, and walks home late at night from the train station.

I fear for her safety when she does, and even offer to buy her pepper-spray on the regular basis.

Is it because i identify as any particular word?

No, not at all. I think anybody that goes out of their way to rape or murder anyone of any gender

has a screw loose in their heads, and need to be dealt with.

>Fighting for the same thing. >Fighting over which word to use. >2014

Says the guy who started the fight.

Not at all man, I'm happy for you to call yourself whatever, I just thought it was a shame you didn't want to be a feminist.

But if that's not to your liking, go for it.

I agree with you too. I don't think rape or murder are inherently gender based evils.

The fact is that rape is about power in the vast majority of cases and

it is easier to enact that power over someone that is physically weaker than you,

for instance a woman if you are a man. But if you are going to break the law and do something horrible to someone

chances are its because you're an unhinged person, not a misogynist.

Mel Martens: Feminism is also against the use of female orientated slurs to offend men.

This is how misogyny and misandry are not acceptable at all in any society today.

- You fight like a girl - Pussy (not the pusillanimous definition, for many it's really just saying vagina)

- Men don't cry ya wuss - Getting in tough with your feminine side ey? - Pink is for girls! Not guys!

and the worst one ever impo - If a man gets raped, he was as weak as a girl

At the end of the day, I think we can all safely say everyone here wants equal right for all. Call it what ever word you want.

Does anyone know where all the Militant/Troll feminists came from? Or like, when abouts they started showing up?

Nobody cares. Go home.


I agree with you whole heartedly Kerrie

I'm just interested in the fact that some men seem to be uncomfortable or afraid to call themselves Feminists.

I'm not saying Duke or Ryan feel that way because I don't believe that they do.

Still, it is interesting to examine, this is how we make stronger arguements... maybe I'm thinking too deeply about it.

Oh man, I think that Militant Feminism is the sinlge most damaging thing to Feminism and it is perpetrated by women!!

Which shocks me. They really discredit their own unified voice.

Best example ever, the tumblr Blog Move The Fuck Over bro. I read that once and got so mad

I literally gave myself a uterus, an immaculate conception, birthed a baby and punched it!

Also, Seth, people should care.

Because they are just as bad, there is a genuine movement for equality that

they are damaging which we all agree we support, we should be mad at them.

I am home, Seth...and I am very very uncomfortable with going into the city anymore

where I have felt like turning around and punching people since they refuse to stop talking, loudly, about my ass

Having a look at that blog now.

You may die.

of laughter, This is amazing.

Apparently this is oppressing women.

Yeah. That blog is awful. Lots of chicks take up space too. People who take up to much space on trains are just rude, male and female.

"While there are certainly many outrageous photos on this site, I was curious about the April 5th entry at 3:28 pm which by all indications

appeared to be a rather empty train? Is taking up ‘too much space’ in a relatively empty train considered misogyny too? I know faq 6 states

something in lieu of this, but it omits people like me who do move their legs once a train starts to fill

(or never if it’s at the end of the night :)) Just wanted to know so I don’t end up like that unwitting guy

with my photo posted without consent on a tumblr site and so I can keep my stray privilege

(and legs) in check during empty train rides home. Cheers!

Why not just try sitting like a polite human being even when the train car is mostly empty?

If you don’t want to end up on this blog, don’t act like you are entitled to take up tons of public space.

Also, I want to point out that I have been on some “fairly empty” subway cars that only appear fairly empty

because it’s scattered with men taking up 2-3 seats each. Just don’t be One Of Those Guys."

Hard to tell with that one since the train dosnt look packed. If there is no one to take the seat I see no reason why someone shouldn't be

more comfortable and take more space. Though if you're making someone stand you're being an asshole,

This blog is run by a woman, and she posts pictures of men and women being rude on public transport.

As Kerrie said, if youre making someone stand, you're being an asshole.

I suspect it is more to do with your assholeness than your privilege.

MTFOB just give SJW Trolls ammo to use.

Most those pics are from empty trains though?

People got to stop getting worked up over dumb shit.


Can't do either those blogs any more. Both are disgusting.

Michael Lynch: Jesus those blogs literally gave me ebola. I feel like MTFOB is just the most successful troll of all time.

Michael Lynch!!! You're doing it again!!! Stahp perthing me!

M8 you're doing it to me alright

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