Ruben Kua: Aaron Bobo Mufasa Lee faster close your mouth! (shows a pic of dashie pooping into Aaron's mouth)

Pinkie Cumberdale Pie: Here it comes!


Pinkie Cumberdale Pie: Tastes like friendship!

Ruben Kua: Hmm...needs a pinch of rainbow dust

Leona Lionheart Cheng: Dat face!!

Aaron Bobo Mufasa Lee: Ruben trust me u gonna kena from me

U better not see me eye to eye

Ruben Kua: Bring it on PANTIE BOY!!!

Aaron Bobo Mufasa Lee: From now on, you are bar-ed from every meetup i make, until I say otherwise.

If you want you can go make yourself. Remember when anderson said nobody liked you and I defended you? Count me out.

In case your english isn't superior enough... BAR=BANNED!

Ruben Kua: I don't really care what Anderson said, he keeps talking like an asshole, he keeps showing off, he also dam lan si, try to ignore him also cannot because i feel like punching him

I can go to a meetup whenever you want, and you can't stop me Muahahahahaha!

Don't tell him this ok?

Aaron Bobo Mufasa Lee: After all the effort I put in and this is what you give me? Fuck you, have fun with yourself.

Ruben Kua: Plsss, stop taking me seriously, i was just playing around.

I don't know you're this hot tempered please forgive me. You're one of my good friends and I respect you.

Please don't take this threat too serious I was just playing along, i'll delete this if you accept my forgiveness *sob sob*

I don't mean to hurt your feelings, you're a loyal friend and I am stupid to do this to you.

I have deeply wronged you for not respecting your feelings at the first place, so I am very sorry please.

Aaron Bobo Mufasa Lee: Ha.

Ruben Kua: Aaron, I don't want to bother you but I'm very sorry. I know the way I act wasn't right.

And I didn't respect you, but for now can you please forgive me for what I have done?

Aaron Bobo Mufasa Lee: I do forgive but I don't easily forget. Anything related to transport, even from midvalley or such,

you can forget about it. Go find another ride.

But in the end, I still forgive you. But in the end not everyone is forgiving like me. Beware of how you speak to others next time.

Your attitude and speech level will cause you ruin.

Ruben Kua: Oh, I didn't know your attitude was crap today. Sorry!

Pinkie Cumberdale Pie: SHIT JUST GOT REAL

*From far away, Gabby Gums was snapping away at the incident, making some real serious headlines later on!!*

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Posted at 2012/04/27 06:58 Viewed 26 times


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