Jessica Captain Wilks: If you think all feminists are horrible, unreasonable, man-hating bitches,
then please remove yourself from my friends list, I don't want anything to do with you.
James Sørensen, Oliver Cartwright, Sean Pancakes Woodfield and 21 others like this.
Don't be shy. Please go.
Gary Oak Misinterpretations from people who think misandry is feminism.
I don't envy your struggle.
Your support is appreciated more than you know
Eric Lam I prefer the term "gender equality activism" over the word "feminism".
Though the horrible, unreasonable, man-hating bitches really need to stop giving feminism a poor reputation.
And by that reasoning, the angry fools ranting about hating Zoe Quinn etc etc need to stop giving gamers a bad name.
I'm sorry that I can't control who calls themselves what, but if you are SO GODDAMN stupid
that you think all feminists are mysandrists then you are beyond saving and a waste of my time.
ok, I'll admit that was a bit of a broad generalisation.
But my point is that you can't, for example, say some Muslims should stop giving ALL Muslims a bad name,
and use that as some sort of defence for your bigotry.
Jessie Pearson: Backing you 1000000% Jess. Forever and for always.
Thanks Jessie you a boss
Us bosses need to stick together
BOSS TEAAAAAAM (plans up silly drawing to do ufufufu)
Nikkita Archer: Ugh Jessica. You're perfect as always. I just go ahead and remove them forcefully ;\
aww Nikkita <3 thanks! Yeah I've removed a few already. No time in my life for dis shit.
N Manic Wilkcz: if you're not a feminist in today's world, you're either misinformed or you're a fucking dumb cunt.
I believe you're mistaken, Jessica.
I never said "All feminists are horrible, etc". This is far from what I truly believe.
Ironically, you were being quite irrational and acting like the people you said feminists were not.
Go back and re-read my post and reflect on your response as I found that quite offensive.
Anthony Palmer: I do believe that not all feminists are horrible, what I see happening is a minority group (extremists)
making a lot of noise and polluting the original concept/focus of the movement.
I can't remember the saying, but it was something like "the smallest dogs often have the loudest bark" or some such.
And it's something that is observed in a lot of different movements.
I am for equal rights between men and women. Jessica, for what it's worth, you have my support.
if you believe that man haters even exist in large enough proportion to call them a "minority" among feminists
then you clearly don't understand the issue. they aren't a minority, they're a total outlier,
they don't even represent the smallest fraction of feminists.
and bitch (as it was used ) is a gendered insult, that's part of the problem,
people today can be misoginistic without even knowing or noticing now,
that's the world we live in, that's the problem we need to solve homies
regardless of what they are (a minority/an outlier/a fringe group),
I do hold that the vast majority of feminists are not like these "man haters".
that was my point.
I never used the word "bitch" I said "dog" because it is an ambiguous statement that applies to both genders,
as both men and women are capable of causing a ruckus.
I had no intention to insult, I'm sorry it's been taken that way.
ots fb lets all agree to not be offended
(im quite a rude fuckwit online sometimes so please ignore me if i say anything dickish, i just believe in a straight forward dialogue)
when i use bitch its 9 times out of ten directed at a dude who i think is being lazy or a wimp,
but no one on this thread strikes me as actually sexist
Enrique Atencio: Peace!!!! Well I'm still here thks
Agreed. And I respect a straight forward dialog too
Let there be peace, for the true enemy here is inequality.
Benjamin TimeTurner: Rennie I do not believe that is what Feminism is about.
I truly believe it is a noble cause; and some just choose to demonise and twist it into what they make it out to be.
Also for the ongoing record.
the only person who gives a shit about Zoe nowadays is Zoe.
If anyone else posts, they're doing it to fit in and don't have a valid opinion on shit.
Brandon Fisher I post shit about her when she does something stupid
Mainly because it's funny
Oh yeah like, we kek when stupid shit happens because we enjoy kekking to stupid shit when it happens.
Also watching how batshit crazy Anita Sarkeesian is
Ryan Jackal Lavender: I have zero problem with women as a whole or all the reasonable people who identify as feminists.
It's the feminist movement that I have issues with.
As far as I'm concerned, modern day feminism is irredeemably corrupt and nothing more than a hate group
with good PR that happens to have reasonable members that are unaware of the far too prominent
dark side that is the majority of modern day feminism.
She is just outright hilarious.
That's my thing, legitimate feminists should hate these people because they're giving the good ones a shit name.
Sean Pancakes Woodfield: I completely agree with you Jessica. Anyone on either the Mens Rights or GamerGate,
or Feminism side who labels the entirety of the opposite movement as misandrist/misogynist/whatever-ist
because of the extremists who take it too far is being a complete moron.
You can't take the vocal minority of a group and apply what they believe to everybody within that group.
imo, it's better to just listen to a person's opinion and decide from that whether they're reasonable or an extremist nutcase,
rather than writing off someone as crazy just because they support a movement that you don't
Let's play "Spot the real feminist" I found one
The best part about that video is she mostly disagrees with Anita,
and then they all went apeshit and started mocking her for having a differing opinion, and saying she wasn't a real feminist
One true Scotsman fallacy?
The funny part with Anita, using a school shooting to promote her inaccurate biased agenda.
If you genuinely think that doing that is acceptable then you're sick in the head.
And then people are seriously defending it
And then cherry picking shit people are saying to make it look like MUHSOGUNY
OK wow so someone on the internet finds me offensive. Why do I think of Eminem when that happens?
Best change my privacy settings so people I have unfriended can't comment on my shit.
Ryan I don't know how to say this but I disagree with you entirely.
Brandon can ya quit it with the gamergate shit? I don't give a damn about the whole thing, but what does irk me is that whenever a woman
calling herself a feminist makes any comment at all on the topic (and especially one others disagree with) she is instantly called a feminazi.
OK so her opinion is different to yours, no need for hate terms. Likening her to a nazi is low.
oh yeah Eminem's Rain Man.
I think you're over exaggerating it there just a bit dude.
Femenazi is a term most people use to describe someone who practices misandry as we've discussed earlier
and whilst it may annoy you, biting the heads off people who are literally in your corner isn't going to help your case either.
Also Brandon was discussing the people in general, not gamergate, Sean discussed Gamergate more.
Respect comes when equally distributed and I know that what you want as a female in a community like this,
don't shoot people down in a topic you started up, yo.
but since the word is FEMInazi, it makes it seem like feminists are misogynsts...
yeah ok Brandon go nuts with the gamergate/ stuff about these women whose opinions you don't agree with.
Fuck, it's ok not to agree with someone on the internet. It's fine!
But like, feminazi is pushing it, imo.
Also, I was using that video in particular to point out that people didn't want to have a civil discussion
when someone opposed their opinion, but simply mock them like children and not even remotely try to make a counter statement.
Was shits me is that people acting so damn childish towards someone more qualified and experienced in feminism than they are;
are being taken seriously by an increasing number of people.
Ok first off, you're looking into way too much, this is borderlining on trans females getting shitty because you call them dude in a friendly manner
It's a general term, just like whore and several other words are, reading so close between the lines isn't good for your brain because
you're going to misinterpret a lot of stuff like has happened here and come off looking a tad hot headed and silly.
Secondly, this is a woman who has used tragic world events to promote her agenda, she isn't gamergate, she forces herself into it
but she is NOT gamergate. You yourself have admitted to not knowing the full story of it and if you're not interested,
that's fine up but don't shoot people down for discussing something without knowing what it's actually about because oddly enough,
Brandon was in your corner. You can't say you want equality then shoot everyone down for trying to agree, yo.
No one is against you here unless you turn them against you yourself, otherwise you'll have all the respect you want from these people.
Her comment about school shootings might have been in poor taste, and maybe a bit too generalised so it sounded like hating
everything about masculinity, which is more Twitter's fault for being such a shit social media service that you can't say anything nuanced on,
but she's not wrong about toxic masculinity and shootings.
Elliot Rodgers shot up that sorority house because he cracked under the pressure that he couldn't get laid,
and that came from the way society makes sex the be all and end all of masculinity.
That mentality of, "if you don't have sex you're not a man" is what led him to kill the women who rejected him,
and the men who had more sexually active lives than him.
Obviously he's just one guy who was seriously fucked in the head, but it still did happen,
and his frustration at not having a girlfriend was still the trigger that caused it.
A lot of the people against feminism tend to complain that feminists don't talk about the societal pressures of masculinity,
and then when someone does, she's "using it to further her feminist agenda."
I don't even like Anita, but she doesn't entirely have the wrong idea in this situation.
People tend to get mad at people saying stupid shit.
People get more mad when people actually agree with people saying stupid shit.
I don't like the word whore, it's gendered...
yeah I'll admit I saw the word videogames and assumed both were related to gamergate.
My apologies, it was a mistake. I should have read what you were trying to say more carefully Brandon, my apologies.
Honestly, how much situations have happened off of the news?
There could be many instances of females doing similar things that we may never know of.
There's a lot in this life we don't know because we're not able to know every single thing that happens
so using this as a push for an agenda without knowing everything is damaging to her own dignity.
Anita's problem is she doesn't read between the lines, she presumes the worst and goes apeshit,
just like when she attacked Bayonetta 2 for being a man made piece of degrading scum...
that was made by a proud woman who wanted to make an empowering character to her gender (Which bayonetta certainly is).
And idk, I believe that the intent and context defines the meaning of the word more than what the word actually means,
as definitions change over time, and what's important is what the person saying the words means,
and I don't know if "feminazi" really means legitimate comparisons to being a nazi,
as I think it's more just highlighting the extremism of the person's belief, but it's still a pretty strong term that isn't very good.
It's better to just call someone an extremist,
because then you can use it for someone on any side of an argument who is being an obnoxious moron,
and it's not a slur towards a specific group.
Nobody gets pissed off because you're insulting them for the thing that they believe,
but that you're telling them they're taking it to far and embarrasing the more moderate people in the same group.
But I want to stand by my opinion on the word feminazi. I don't like the word.
And it seems to me that if others find the word "gay" to express something they don't like, to be offensive,
then why is it not offensive to liken feminism to nazism?
Yeah as Sean says, I could live with "feminist extremist" perhaps.
Elliot Rodgers was a narcissistic sociopath.
He was infuriated that no one essentially worshiped the ground he stood on, so he wanted to seek revenge.
People find the term "gay" to be offensive when describing something dumb?
Jesus Christ we live in an oversensitive society.
Fucks sake. Things only become offensive when we allow them to, it's no one else's fault but the person who causes the commotion imho.
discussing modern day feminism as an organised movement is inaccurate.
there are notable feminist figure heads (some of whom we may or may not agree with for whatever reason)
but feminism shouldn't be looked at as some fucking movement,
feminism stands for equality so it should be a basic facet of any civilised society by now,
but it isn't. don't boycott feminism and the struggle for a better world
just because you don't agree with a group you continuously denote as being the minority.
bro beans, we should not ever dissociate ourselves with feminism in any way,
as men you stand to profit just as much from a more enlightened and less bigoted world.
there's enough opponents to equality as it is without those of us who value freedom to infight over nonsense.
Connormon Cat Stephens That's the problem with our society.
The acts of a small school of guppies changes everyone's views of fish. Tsktsktsk society.
Alternatively, "RadFem/Radical Feminist" is also a good substitute for "Feminazi"
that doesn't have the over the top comparisons to genocidal racists.
Weren't GamerGate people getting pissed off when Joss Whedon compared GG to the KKK?
I don't see how this is much different, as people are going to take "Feminazi"
as a direct comparison to the Nazi's themselves. It's the same shit.
Nice analogy, Connormon XD
Tbh, I could easily use the gender argument and claim I find the term feminist offensive since I agree with the concept too
but the FEM label singles me out. I could then easily sit in a high horse and get mad,
demanding that every use the term equalist so I can feel special.
But I'm not going to because that's effort and I'm not that insecure that I'm going to dedicate a portion of my life
to getting upset at what people who have no bearing on my life say.
THAT is the truth.
I am shying away from the word "feminist" tbh Luke. In preference for "gender equality activist" as Eric suggested earlier.
I am conscious of singling out any gender.
AND I would like to say that if someone tells me that a word I use is offensive,
AND provides me with a reasoned argument, I am more than willing to stop using it.
Why not just say that you believe in gender equality and leave it at that without slapping tags on yourself?
Be an individual, not a number on a shelf
I didn't slap a tag on myself. Other people are trying to tag me.
I get called "cis" and "feminazi" and all this.
But agreeing with the general principles of a cause that calls itself feminism is not the same as being non-individual.
Tbh, if people take offence to what I say, they can deal with it or move on.
I know deep down I don't go out of my way to offend people because I am one of the most respectful cunts out there to those who deserve it,
If people choose to read too close between the lines, it's their loss, not mine.
But dude, they have no overall bearing to your life and its actions, why bother care? Seriously.
You're above that.
It's okay if you disagree with me. Opinions are opinions are opinions. I personally see myself as an equalist.
Seriously, the Jess I know is a badass who's better than nearly everyone I know at Smash and could easily beat up everyone else,
not someone who's going to get worked up at people calling her names.
Be the badass you know you are and hand out the metaphorical finger while you roll on with life.
All of you are cool people. I don't care about your gender or race. Simple as that.
don't judge me Lerk, or I will indeed crush that skull of yours. :C
If we go back to the original intention of this post, it was not to express my offence at anyone.
It was not even to try and change opinions. It was to say that I don't want feminist-haters on my newsfeed anymore.
I wasn't judging you at all
Fact remains, you opened a can of worms that'll get a discussion almost always,
never a bad result to have a chat and gauge opinions with your homies, it's a bind strengthener.
Yeah and I'm also aware that few people will agree with me entirely,
but I'm done with trying to change other people's opinions.
Done here. I got fucking shit gastro today, I'm not up for this.
Here, cheer up, here is Mr. Beardface
Saxon Landers: I'm sick of loud minorities in general. Almost without fail, they damage the reputation of the whole.
Humans are humans. I expect to be treated as a human, and in return I attempt to treat all others as humans.
Race, gender (or lack thereof), sexuality, whatever, they are irrelevant.
Especially on the internet, where none of that is visible unless you explicitly mention it.
If there's one thing that irritates me, it's how overly sensitive everyone has become.
Not the feminists or the gays or whatever.
Everyone. Language is a fluid thing, and English more so than a lot of other languages.
If you find yourself offended by what someone has said to you, take a step back - it's really not that important.
Then we will all go back and have a nice game of "Oppression olympics"
Whoever is the least privileged wins a hug
Hands up who here's actually having a good day today
Well it's certainly not been a /bad/ day.
I mowed the lawn in the blazing heat earlier, kek
I miss out on free food at my parent's house because I need to finish an assignment
we're all in the luckiest country on earth, living in the best time humanity has ever experienced.
WHO HERE is actually not privileged?? also yes today is shite.
Some people are more privaleged than others
I have self diagnosed autism, headmates and identify as a pineapple.
I am oppressed because no one understands me
everyone has something. But we are the luckiest human beings alive.
I got yelled at by Imogens aunty and have stayed in her room all day due to
nearly having a anxiety based breakdown due to the near existent heart condition.
This is a dick size contest and I wanna win.
dude... try to avoid conflicts if you have a fucking heart condition, some on, use your brain! >: C Look after yourself.
I don't want you to go dying.
I was trying, I shut the door and kept quite, she burst in the room and went face up to me and started going off.
Ah well, Imogen is home now so I'm slightly more sane.
Tfw the one time in life I don't actively try to cause shit, shit happens.
Hell I'll even kek to that.
I did a thing. a good thing.
Is it another tough-as-nails Wigglytuff? Because the world needs more of that.
You done good kiddo
no a gooder thing. wait
Behold your new god
Charlie Ariesga Delta: Hnnnnng thread is tl;dr but I wanted to add my opinion.
tbh I'm not a big fan of modern day feminism,
addressing gender and equality issues are fine but far too often I come across victimhood promoting
censorship of mildly offensive artforms and the "girls vs guys" mentality.
I also believe more in equal opportunity rather than equal outcomes.
I follow Christina Sommers (chick in video Branon posted) and some feminists/feminazis/radfems/tumblrkids call her an anti-feminist
just because she addresses boys issues and feminist myths
But yeah, I'm not an active participant in these things, only when it comes to affecting my comics and games.
(Also it's hard with this gamergate stuff. I don't want to blame people for their blind hatred of gamergate,
or gamergate supporters hating on anita/zoe/brianna because I think it's the media's fault of shoving it all into our faces and down our throats)
Plus don't take in any labels random people on the internet give you, they don't know you and it's all too easy to throw petty insults around
What matters are your friends and peers!
Charlie, please refer to new god.
Sivaraj Santhira As I always say: There are feminists, who fight for equal rights for both genders.
Aaaaand then there are feminazis who say things like "fragging female gamers online is considered rape"
bad example, since that was from a photoshopped image used to make people mad.
But I get what you mean by it.
Julia Tron Wilks: I like turtles
William Gembitsky: Welp I believe it's about time I voice an opinion.
"It's the feminist movement that I have issues with. As far as I'm concerned, modern day feminism is irredeemably corrupt
and nothing more than a hate group with good PR that happens to have reasonable members that are unaware
of the far too prominent dark side that is the majority of modern day feminism. "
Ryan, mate...are you fucking retarded dude?
No, legit, you believe the feminist movement is corrupt and a hate group?
Sweet fuck son that's what people who dwell on Men's Right Activist boards say, that's what people on fucking 4chan say.
If anyone believes this is the case with modern feminism you are completely ignorant,
and should go outside and get some air/education on the topic.
Now that that's out of the way, I also don't understand why people say they 'aren't a feminist, I prefer equalist.'
If you support gender equality, you are, by definition, a feminist.
It isn't a dirty word friends, it's a very legitimate thing and to support it is to support equality.
TL;DR, feminism is a good thing, you don't need to associate with all feminists (i.e. those people everyone hates on tumblr)
feminism shouldn't be treated as a dirty word, people who consider feminism attacking men are pathetic
Imogen Thomson: Big difference between misandry and feminism. The small loud minority, like Anita
are using feminism to push their misandrist agenda, taking away from working towards equality
and giving those who do support true feminism a really bad name.
I don't think what someone identifies as is important. So long as they're not dickheads.
Another issue is that "pseudo feminism", the sort that spreads false statistics, ignores facts and carries on like women are weak and
need to be babied by society because of the evil "patriarchal oppression" are rapidly becoming what is associated with the word "feminism".
Just because the "definition" of feminism says it's for gender equality,
doesn't mean it can imply a different social response in certain communities.
eminism can mean something different to everyone. I disagree with the statement "if you support equality, then you're a feminist",
because to me it sounds like allocating an identity to people that may not identify with their view of what that identity means to them.
I get where you're coming from, I do - but in saying that, no one should honestly be ashamed to say they are a feminist/support feminism.
If it implies something different, something negative, in certain communities, those communities are likely to be something people
shouldn't associate with, nor should anyone care what those communities think.
Said communities are the kind that don't bother to look into another side of something and instead
just hold onto their opinion with a vice grip - i.e. those dickheads who tried to put up a poll in order to label feminism as a terrorist movement.
If you feel ashamed about the idea of feminism or believe people will look down on you because they think feminists are man haters
then you should really just kind of think why you care about those wanker's opinions in the first place.
I think the point Ryan was making was that said offshoot have given it such a bad name that you become guilty by association for standing
up what you believe in because of these people. It's very easy to not care about an opinion because
it becomes a hell of a lot harder than when those opinions become metaphorical grenades that you cannot avoid.
Feminism in its purest form is a fantastic thing and exactly what we need in a world that's growing more disgusting as the days go by,
fact is that people put too much emphasis on these titles and it leads to this shit all the time simply by associating
an agenda with your movement, both good and bad.
In turn, you shouldn't have to be a prominent feminist to give a shit about equalism amongst genders,
something I know Ryan does. Let's not attack people when they're on our side because of poor wording, yo.
I think that many people wanting to call themselves "equalists" or simply not even call themselves anything at all are getting to the point
where they don't want to be associated with semi braindead morons that call
anything they find offensive to their world view as misogyny.
When even a relatively small proportion of people in a community begin looking like fucking retards; they tend to get a lot of attention.
And usually, this attention leads to a build up of a stereotype.
Being associated with this stereotype inevitably pisses off the part of the community that don't act like retards,
but are put under that stereotype thanks to the fucktards that ruined it...
Hmmmmm Seems to me a little bit like
I don't know these guys?
Honestly I just call myself Luke, I'm a guy who respects both genders because who the fuck cares about social degradation,
I don't need validation from a title to know I'm doing good.
There's a lesson for everyone.
I am potato
Seriously though, everyone's getting themselves angry and it's all due to labelling.
Is this not a sign?
I got mad
Because they labeled muh vegemite differently and it doesn't make me feel like a little vegemite when I eat it because the label's different now
I'm just saying, if someone will take the effort to label themselves as an equalist, might as well just use feminist.
> Labels This is literally what I see as the main problem.
People take them too seriously and observe them through too fine of a microscope and the second someone gets one slightly wrong,
it's gun blazing (As we saw here not long ago).
I get that labelling makes us feel special in an otherwise big world but honestly, look what it does.
This is why I focus my energy that I would if I associated with those labels to just doing it normally,
feminism asks that we do things that are simply humane and respectable, we don't need a title to not be shit people imo.
Wow ok this started up again! William I'm starting to think maybe you're not a complete nerd after all XP
No really mate, thanks! You explain my feelings well.
I don't give a shit if someone calls themselves a feminist or a Tough Titty Titan
Acting like a dick makes you a dick, not being a dick makes you yes good.
ily 5eva
I will now call myself tough titty titan then, thanks Bernden
Tough Titty Titans ASSAMBRU
it'd be (in English characters) "taffu titti- taitanzu assenburu!" タッフチッチタイタンズアッスンブル
^ I miss spelled that in katakana XD whoopiseeee
Scarlet Leanne Pogonowski: To me feminism is a lot like Religion in some way...
There are a lot of decent people who are feminists who gives it a good rep,
how-ever there are also the attention seeking extremists who sadly gets the most attention...
it is like any fandom, organization or group..
^ this /thread
^he's trying to repress me everyone, did you see that?
"HELP HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED!" (so sorry, just had to)