Rebecca Wesker Flores Ser Creshosk, Tonya Dillard, Tria Rogers, Ximena Kramer, Emmie Gli Azzuri, Joey Chua, I know you guys don't care to much but...
report this person, this person has been here LONG enough to actually steal the actual real Snowy Breeze (<--real her) pictures
of her personal stuff, her pictures are stolen, most importantly, her identity. That crosses the line there...
please report this person who thinks she's "Snowy Breeze"
Ser Creshosk so the one in text is the real one and the one with the picture in your post is fake?
Rebecca Wesker Flores Yes
Rebecca Wesker Flores She lives in Reno, Nevada From Oakland, California
Snowy doesn't live in U.S.A she lives in New Zealand.
Rebecca Wesker Flores the fake one lives in the US
Ser Creshosk Okay, just waiting for the Real one to accept my friend request so I can report the fake one properly.
Rebecca Wesker Flores Alright :( this person crossed the line way to much, she needs to get the fuck out of here