one day koroshi-ya and meelz were at ponycon au rockin out to some slammin tunes
then ranbow ash came and then she came out of the portal that apperaired and so did twilogjht but she didn't have wings
because wings are for smellys except other ponys are fine
everyone had to cram into a submarine because meelz came 15151561451 gallons.
then Ryan was there because he killed his family and came too PCAU and huged koroshia for 10 seconds and then let go cause das gay
then meelz said 'woops" and koroshiand ruan went to hosue with tiwlighjt and rainbow dsah and then se x aghepped
the next day ryan resirected hes family and noone remebered anyhing
then meelz and korosi had a can on coke and had more sex
the nect day meelz when back to malasia as he is a malfunctioning asian
and koroshi was sad so he had a fap and it was good.
while koroshi was fapping Hank came in and came and through a celesestia which was saying "come with me to the land of equestira" at koroshi-ya
and then korshi came and was transported too equestria with a stop over at the world of basic thuganomics
jon cena was standing there and was standing with a dispointed look on his face at luke because he was naked
and said "Luke my boy, that is inapropriate" and the no one saw him.
them Matt appeared and said "No" and everything went back to normal and no one noticed matt has disapperad from his bed.
the endle