Guess what?! I've became a brony!! You happen to know what it is, right?
Come to think about it, yeah. I do. IN FACT... You're speaking to one right now.
HOLEY MOTHER OF CELESTIA??! are you fricking serious? you don't look like that kind of person either!!
Indeed I am. I have collected all the mane 6 and all the blindbag toys even though it's not sold in Japan. All through online-
Hi hi, what are you boys talking about? Sounds very intense!
-Guh! Nothing! Nothing of your concern!!
*I wonder whats that just he scared to admit he's a brony in front of girls? Whats wrong about it?*
Hmmmmmmmmmm something sure is strange here. Oh well.
Guess i have to investigate the matter BY MYSELF XDDDD