Aaron Bobo Mufasa Lee Did i eat some wrong hormone pill or smth? God dammit
Stephanie Tan you bleeding frm ur dick monthly ?
Hariz Danial whats wrong lolol
Vincent Fang you're slowly becoming a girl!
Stephanie Tan Winson Ong
Aaron Bobo Mufasa Lee Dunno lar, emo for some shit i dun even know. Its like girl's period lol
Winson Ong WTF this has to do with me!?
Stephanie Tan Zymonas, aaron is transforming into Winson 's waifu
Aaron Bobo Mufasa Lee LOLWAT
Hariz Danial U GUSTA AARON
Mamat Terer minum kacip fatimah nih..
Zymonas Solner Yh Winson Ong being tsundere ~
Zymonas Solner Yh On a side note, it's okay, i feel u.
Sometimes this little "down time" comes knocking and u can't do shit bout it. An artist call this "art block"
Vincent Fang Zymonas Solner Yh, :feelbro:
Zymonas Solner Yh :feelbro:
Winson Ong LOL
Shuu Lee Glory tits will grow
Aaron Bobo Mufasa Lee Dicks will shrink
Shuu Lee Glory and poof...
Vincent Fang Then, Winson Ong lost another partner. He'll go find another boku, how sad ;-;
Aaron Bobo Mufasa Lee LEL
Vincent Fang ( = w = )
Shuu Lee Glory lel. farewell Bobo. Hello BoBoku
Aaron Bobo Mufasa Lee LOL^
Aaron Bobo Mufasa Lee Wait i no dick edi how to boku LOL
Zymonas Solner Yh U grow vag
Zymonas Solner Yh then u need to wear pampers
Shuu Lee Glory then he will be the banana lady
Vincent Fang Inb4 aaron's nurse cosplay.
Aaron Bobo Mufasa Lee OH GOD WHY
Irval TohoBronystuck Firestar *imagine aaron working at a maid cafe*
Mel Hilton Viagara pills?
Zymonas Solner Yh He just need someone to touch his dick and make him manly back
Aaron Bobo Mufasa Lee Dafak