『Buying items』

Elyse Kymberly Teoh Note to self: read every detail on the product properly before paying for it. Sigh.

Robson Tan That always happen to me too. Greatest mistake goes to 1000+

Elyse Kymberly Teoh Wah 1000+ mine isn't that bad. It's just RM40 but still..

words cannot express how annoyed I am at myself and the salesgirl for not clarifying the details of the product. UGHHH.

Robson Tan Exactly, the stupid portable air con la, I didnt know how it works and I thought

there is no need to dig a hole in my room for the hot air to discharge, now the portable air con is used as a fan..

Elyse Kymberly Teoh Wth the person didn't tell you that? Such an important detail. Did you try to sell it off?

Robson Tan Yea la.... He didn't explain how it works and I didn't ask.

Nope hahsha. It was years ago when I just came kl to study..

Valerie Low what was the product?

Elyse Kymberly Teoh Robson Tan Ohh.. Nvm lar, you study 3/4 years edi...

One year RM250, one month approx RM20 for fan is okay la. LOL.

Valerie Low Face mask/scrub. I was looking at masks and I told the salesgirl I want a whitening mask.

Then she took a tube of something and said this one is more effective. So naturally I would have thought it was a mask also what.

Only just now when I read it again that I realised it's a scrub JEEZ. Such a huge difference.

Valerie Low oooh. but, there are some scrubs that can be left on for a few minutes to become a mask.

maybe, try that? does it write anything like that on the bottle?

Elyse Kymberly Teoh Nope, it's just a normal scrub. Just says massage for 1-2 minutes den wash off. Sigh

Valerie Low which shop is this?

Elyse Kymberly Teoh Face Shop. The one at pyramid

Leon de Hadraniel Lol what shop ... Face shop

Gina Phan Mix with eggwhite and voila, you get a mask.

Elyse Kymberly Teoh Leon de Hadraniel takkan fish shop? Lol.

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公開日 2013/02/07 09:36 再生回数 4

