Wait let me change my form first, i hate this one
Ok better
You're so cuteee! -squish-
Stop! let go of me
Sorry T^T
Ok so Toshiro's past huh
Uh huh
Ok so it all began when only devils and shinigamis co-exist in this world
Let me continue
Devils and Shinigamis weren't allowed to create offsprings together
It was forbidden and if any were found, they would be killed and the parents would be sent off to the human world to live with them and be tortured
But this rule didn't stop two who were greatly in love with each other. Of course, one shinigami male and one devil female.
They broke the forbidden rule and bore a child, a male
This male is someone you know
Toshiro-Kun? Wait then isn't he very old?
Not exactly, he was put away in a time vortex and locked up until a milleninum passed.
Toshiro awoke after a milleninum at a certain hospital, Sakuragi, without any memories, but only with one mission
To become the heir of the Demon world, Alacastar. To become a full human, he stored his power away and locked his mission deep into his soul and hid it into the abyss
Then at which he didn't have any memories at all. Toshiro is half devil and half shinigami meaning, he's already dead but half dead
You who loves him very much will be able to defeat his dark side, which will be soon to awaken
How do i stop his awakening?
It can't be stopped. Besides you have your life to be worried about. Anyways, he grew up with this lovely sister who picked him up as a kid
She raised him until he was 9, when she died in a car crash
Luckily, her niece, 9 years older than him could take care of him. So he grew up and then something triggered his awakening at age 15
We still don't know the cause that triggered him, but what we do know is that, its not good
I'm confused
Well you should be. Continuing, we believe he will be soon awakened on the day of your death. We cannot have you to die so i showed him his
future, i triggered a little bit and changed them.
Do you know anything about my mom?
If Toshiro awakens, chaos will be about and the world will end with The Great Demon War, aka GDW.
Your mom who sacrficed herself to give birth to you, she was an angel. She fell in love with an human and gave birth to you. If she didn't, she
would have survived. Everything she did was for a reason and now you know the reason, to stop the heir from awakening and that is Toshiro
Your dad a foolish man, as a kid, did nothing to cure his illness until it gotten worse. He was sent to Sakuragi hospital where he met
your mom who was thrown out of the sky into the human world. He then instantly fell in love with her. He was too sick to live and she too fell in love
at first sight. She sacrificed herself for him and you hoping to save the world and be at peace. Now its up to you who knows the full story to stop Toshiro
Everything is so complicated
Now i have to give you stage two, truth second phase
What is the truth second phase? What does Chisa have to do? Toshiro's past is still not fully uncovered and there is still more to know
To Be Continued~