『紹介: Joey Chua』

Muramasa91 Hey guys, today i'd like to introduce you to a certain someone I knew for a while.

*there is a knocking sound on the door*

Ah, she's here. Irrashai!!

Girl with ponytail Yo. What's going on here?

Just introducing everyone here on Kimip to the main star of my stories. Her name is Joey Chua.

Joey Chua Hi guys.

As far as it gets, she's been appearing in the mini series "ジョーイの日常生活" I've been posting, and her life is very interesting

H-Hey! Stop talking about my life like it's some kind of story yo!

Ehehehe. I find it very interesting!

B....but it's not fun after you do that, you know?

Ugh, this is bad. Sooner or later things will get bad. To worse.

So i'll just put it down to very simple words in secret that is.

Joey is a 16 turning 17 year old girl who is actually going to a high school right now. She is good at drawing manga and likes tigers.

She is also very socially active and starts interesting trends that her fan club always follows. Of course, I follow her closely as her life

- is by far quite interesting. You'll never know how much adventures she'll get into because she's just unpredictable.

In other words, she's a very trendy person who starts trends easily.

As for now, I don't know what will her love relationship will be, as she shows no interest to guys. But throughout her story you'll see.

She is currently into the trend of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Google it up and you'll see!

Other than that, she is very free and easy going girl who isn't scared to speak freely, but she knows how to say it at the right time.

Yeah that's about it about Joey. If you're interested to see her in more of the stories, please feel free to comment on the word box...

beloooow~ Stay tuned!

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公開日 2013/02/01 17:38 再生回数 2


I'd like to introduce you to one of my story's characters, Joey Chua.

